The Chimeras
The year is 2151 and almost 2/3rds of the earth is now a wasteland while the rest has been converted into a massive barriered utopia built by the richest and most powerful.The barrier city of Corinth is protected by an energy shield that prevents both the pollution and the mutated Chimeras from entering.

CHIMERAS- the villains from the Wastelands
These mutated beings were the work of the exiled members of humanity who believe that the next step in evolution is not just through cyber enhancements but also through forced biological mutations. These beings have adapted to live in underground caves where they have experimented on each other to mutate and evolve to survive the highly toxic atmosphere. They call themselves the Chimeras having mixed their DNAs with various life forms they collected which once roamed the earth. These mutations gave them increased senses and strength. However, their source of energy is limited and extremely difficult to produce due to the difficult terrain and extreme weather on the surface. This forces the Chimeras to constantly attack the city of Corinth and steal whatever energy sources and technology they can to survive and to someday create their own utopia.

1, Abaddon
One of the first mutations. He is the only chimera who survived the mutation of having six limbs. This proved very useful in combat as he can stabilize the energy blaster with his four legs. The energy blaster was designed to bring down the walls of Corinth once they have gotten close enough.

2. Lilith
Despite her appearance, Lilith is the most skilled assassin in the team with lightning fast reflexes. Her weapons look like simple katanas but are actually also laser pistols enabling her to be extremely versatile in combat. She was responsible for stealing the early version of the energy cores from the sentinels. This greately enhanced her team's defense and offense capabilities.
3. Caim
The leader of the Chimera's assault team, Caim is a master strategist and scientist who was able to figure out the weaknesses of Corinth's defenses after studying and repurposing the stolen energy cores. His weapon is designed to temporarily disable shields to help his teammates finish the job. Having the DNA and tail of a Scorpion, unsuspecting foes will be surprised with his poisonous tail. 
4. Kasdeya
Kasdeya's mutation was designed to adapt to the highly toxic atmosphere of earth. She can breath the poison gas and fly right inside the unending thunderstorms to harvest the lightning energy and turn it against her enemies.

5. Agrona
Living as underground nomads, the Chimeras have to constantly move around due to the unstable terrain. They use diggers to easily create tunnels. Agrona, the fastest and largest digger was responsible for the biggest breach of the city of Corinth that enabled them to steal crucial technology.
Beyond Human - Chimeras

Beyond Human - Chimeras

Done for the Beyond Human Challenge
